Primetime “Fiat” Moment

Normand Robert

May 21, 2016

I thought I would share this quick “Fiat” Moment that happened early in the evening yesterday.  I was writing the synopsis’ for the shows that air on Fiat Ministry Network, when all of a sudden I hear the Cursillo theme song “DeColores” coming from the television.  After doing a double take, the song continued.  Yes, my brothers and sisters, during the airing of a Anthony Bourdain CNN Series, Bourdain was sitting around a campfire in New Mexico with some local folks singing DeColores.

Blew me away!  Never have I heard a religious song being played during an airing of a primetime reality show. Hopefully, this is a start of more too come!

God Bless You All!

Donec odio Quisque

Dvolutpat mattis eros. Nullam malesuada erat ut turpis.

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