Faith Life Family Episode 11 with Navis Pictures President Producer Director Jim Morlino

Fiat Ministry Network

June 15, 2016


Faith Life Family Episode 11

with Jim Morlino – President, Navis Pictures (

Missy D’Aconti ( began the program with an overview of what will be discussed on Episode 11 including the three (3) movies produced/directed by Jim Morlino (Jim):

“How to Make a Movie”

“St. Bernadette of Lourdes”

“War on the Vendee” – Best Film Awards

These films are good quality entertainment. Can and must be seen by everyone! Navis Pictures only uses children actors with an occasional cameo by Jim.

Missy then introduced Jim asking him to share some brief background information, but first Jim prayed the prayer that they say while “on (movie) set”. #AlwaysBeginWithPrayer

Jim was a native of Southern California and graduated from UCSD (University of California San Diego) with a Masters in Drama. Jim was an actor and musician who did the New York Circuit (i.e. Broadway etc.) before returning to California to be behind the camera. Jim is married with 6 children. #RoadToTheMovieIndustry

Jim knew that he wanted to make movies with all children actors. His daughter wrote a 20 minute script called “Red Wall”. Prior to this, he and his children made small inter-family vignettes. Along the way, they made a Catholic version of “Robin Hood” and showed their product to neighborhood families in which the “moms” of the children actors were weeping in happiness. #SmallButMighty

Jim lives in a community of Catholic “Home School” family’s. They all believe, including Missy, this helps extend the innocence of children. #CatholicHomeSchooling

Jim did mention that if he had all the money and time in the world, he would bring this “all children actors” movie making to every community in the Nation. #AllChildrenActors

A priority of Jim’s is to assist in bringing about more “Catholic” Actors. We need more of these people to help make more “beautiful” movies. “The World Needs It, God Deserves It”, states Jim. #CatholicActors

Ken Davis, founder of “Holy Heroes” and “Glory Stories” suggested to Jim that he make a movie about Bernadette of Lourdes. Of course, Jim moved forward with this suggestion and the movie “St. Bernadette of Lourdes” was born. A clip of the movie was shown. A “Fantastic” comment was stated by Missy followed by other approval thoughts in the Chat Room. Finally, Missy asked Jim about the “devil scene” in the movie, fact or fiction. Jim mention it is a fact. St. Bernadette actually heard “bad” voices during her apparitions. A small discussion was had about the movie’s ending, including the dying of St. Bernadette. #StBernadetteOfLourdesTheMovie

Jim mentioned that all his “work” is done “Through Mary, To Jesus” as stated by St. Louis DeMontfort.

A conversation was then had about Hollywood. Jim stated that Hollywood is “turning away from God”. Jim also stated that we need to provide writers with a “slice of life infused with the Catholic Faith”. “We need to bring back the Hays Code”, stated Jim. These “moral guidelines” must be brought back to the forefront of movie making. If we look back when the Hays Code was prevalent, great movies were produced such as “The Kill A Mockingbird”, “Wizard of Oz”, etc. This is why this time period was called the “Golden Age”. #BringBackTheHaysCodeToHollywood

A conversation then began about the movie “War on the Vendee”, a story of a war not known by many. The movie was set in the time of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette wherein there was French Genocide. Actually, 250K people were massacred in the French Countryside. Because of this, people defending the Church and Priests, formed an Army. Their uniform actually had Jesus’ Sacred Heart on their breast. This Army conquered the folks who had massacred their people. Napoleon stated that if “they (Blancs) continued on to Paris, “Catholic” France would have been restored”. #UnknownButLifeChangingWar

Along with winning many awards, this film was scored by Kevin Caska, a “high profile” Hollywood Score Writer. Caska utilized “A-List” Hollywood musicians. Missy commented that the “soundtrack” of this movie was wonderful. CD of the soundtrack is available on the website. ( #CheckOutTheSoundtrack

A video clip of the movie was shown.

Missy stated that she appreciated the “Latin Mass” touches in the film. Jim also mentioned that the “Imprimatur” was obtained easily. #CatholicReferences

Lastly, a discussion was had on the movie “How To Make A Movie”. This film has the power to influence! It gives everyone the “A,B,C’s” of filmmaking.

Jim stated that there is nothing in production currently. He is working on “secular” projects. He would love, in the future, to do a movie on “Baltimore Catechism”. #BaltimoreCatechismMovie

Jim gave Missy a 50% “Discount” code that the audience could utilize for shopping on the website. The code is MISSY.

This episode ended with the recitation of the Hail Mary.

Synopsis Completed by Normand HJ Robert[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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