Hungry For More Episode 17 with Anela Nicholson

Fiat Ministry Network

March 6, 2015

On this episode of Hungry For More Al Smith interviews Anela Nicholson from
Anela poetically states:
“I’m Catholic Sis, a future youth minister and young lady who’s on fire for God!
Through my writing and online interactions, I strive to help you keep it real and Catholic, since Catholic isn’t just something we are once a week – it’s a way of life! I write about a myriad of different topics, all the while linking it back to Christ and His Church somehow. I believe that God can be incorporated into anything, and haven’t been proved wrong yet. It doesn’t matter whether its food (The Eucharist and the Last Supper), homework (Jesus teaching the scribes in the Temple when He was twelve), or depression. (We are all made in the image and likeness of God.)

I also strive to reach out to as many young people as possible – helping them through the trials, troubles, tears, and triumphs of life.

Youth are important, and so are their problems. Young people need to know they have a voice, and they also need to know that their voice will be heard both when they are excited about winning the football game, and when they are softly calling for help. It’s my mission to hear the voice crying for help, answers, comfort, and love – and answer it.

I am ready to help all of you. That includes you, reading this right now. That also includes the young man struggling with pornography, who doesn’t know how to break free. The depressed child whose parents are getting a divorce. The young lady who feels pressured by her boyfriend to give him her purity, and is afraid of his reaction if she tells him no. The young adult who self harms. The many young ladies who feel that they are not thin enough or pretty enough, and are struggling with eating disorders. The teen struggling to find God, but has no one to turn to for information and answers. The troubled youth debating suicide. The young adult called to the priesthood or religious life but can’t find the strength to answer the call. The child struggling to fit it. The intelligent young man who gets bullied by the football team because he’s not one of them. You are all welcome here.

Youth are not the forgotten or ignored generation. They are the most important generation. I believe one of the most important things that we need to do is to empower youth and young people and make them fall in love with the Catholic Faith. You may not realize, but you – the youth of today – are the Church of tomorrow.”

During the interview they talked about the following topics:

Falling in love with the Lord and His Church.
Catechesis and evangelization and why you set up

Evangelization using social media.

Her interviews of different people – among them are religious, young people, and top Catholic speakers.

Talk about Saints in particular St. Dymphna and Blessed Chiara. Why Saints and how do we weave them into the culture.

Talk about reading God’s Word and studying it as a group. She explains her online bible study group.

Book reviews and picking her favorite quote from each book – and put a traditional Catholic Sis spin on it, linking it to God somehow.

Her very busy twitter feed Catholic Sis (@CatholicSis) | Twitter /

How to Contact her –

Our thanks to our sponsor Verbum Software

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