Jesus My Alarm Clock

Normand Robert

May 15, 2016

I was scrolling through Facebook this past Friday when I noticed that someone had posted that a childhood friend had passed away.  I immediately sent the older brother a message wanting him to call me.  Suffice to say I was in shock not only because of Garry’s death but they had just lost their sister this past October.

My daily routine includes an afternoon nap, normally around 12 noon.  I hadn’t received a call as of 12 noon and was worried that I would miss the call because I sleep like a “rock”.  Hardly anything wakes me up :-).

For some reason, believing it was the Lord at work, I woke up only 45 minutes after I had fallen asleep.  Folks, it wasn’t even 1 minute after getting up, the phone rang.  It was Roddy (the older brother).  If the “Jesus Alarm Clock” was not set, I probably would have missed the call and it would have been too late to call back because of the time difference.

We spoke about Garry and to my surprise, Roddy began asking for forgiveness for all the “bad” things he did to me when we were young.  I guess you would call it bullying now a days.  I was in amazement as to how the conversation continued.  He even asked that I pray for him because of his current health issues.  He did this because “I saw how close you were to the Church and to God”.

This “close moment to Jesus” just goes to show you that you must me ready at all times for the Lord’s entrance into our daily lives.

RIP Garry Gerard!!


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