Personal Update – Kent

Normand Robert

May 18, 2016

I just want to first off say thanks for the many prayers that I got from being in the hospital.  To be truly honest  I didn’t want to go.  What happened was I think God gave me the path to use for getting help without being pushed.  I was at my son’s 6 month check up and everything was great with him.  An amazing blessing as a father of 3 and to be there for my son.  He got two shots and was so good.  He cried and then was OK really quickly after that.  I love to talk and as much as I love to talk about my faith, I really love to talk with my guests on the “Fiat Ministry Show”  I hate to talk about my health and even thinking about going to the doctors.  I never had good luck with them and I hate needles.
So, back to my son’s doctor check up.  I mentioned to the doctor I was slurring my words at night.  I thought I was tired and that was all.  As soon as I stopped talking,  the doctor left the room.  A couple minutes later nurses were in the room getting me in a wheelchair.  So the ER was in another area of the same building.   I hate the thought of going to the hospital but  looking at my 3 children and my amazing wife so caring,  I had to go and just see what will happen.  Yes, I wasn’t happy with blood work and being away from the family.  On the side note I love their food LOL.
So what I learned was God in his amazing work can get you to where you need to go with out even asking and this wasn’t where I wanted to go but many people were worried about me and without anyone grabbing me and putting me into the hospital, I got there.  So,  Thank you God for your work through so many people and thank you for loving me more than I can love myself.
Again, thanks for all the prayers!  I am doing well but do get a brain freeze feeling off and on for a couple seconds,  so i will be going back to the doctor for a return check up.  I am here and ready to go with Fiat Ministry Network.   God’s Blessings to everyone from the Fiat Ministry Network family.

Donec odio Quisque

Dvolutpat mattis eros. Nullam malesuada erat ut turpis.

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  1. Normand

    I’m so glad you are feeling better! I need to have my “Brother” feeling great physically and spiritually!

  2. Joseph Martone

    Prayers. God bless. If you feel anything again, get answers no matter what it takes.

  3. Missy D'Aconti

    So glad that you got checked out via God using people as instruments to get you the check up that you needed! We continue to include you in our family Rosary. God bless you Kent for all that you do!